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MBTG Fall Welcome Dinner

Held at the beginning of Fall Quarter, this kick-off lunch is the inaugural event of the MBTG academic year. This is a great opportunity to meet MBTG trainees, faculty, and alumni. At the luncheon, students have the opportunity to set their schedule for the year by:

  1. Signing up for the Monthly Seminar Series
  2. Signing up to present at Journal Club
  3. Nominating and discussing possible MBTG Seminar Speakers

Monthly Student Seminar Series

First Wednesday of the month, 4:00pm, NSB Auditorium

At these monthly meetings, students have the opportunity to give a one-hour talk on their research to fellow MBTG students and faculty. All trainees are required to present.

Link to Tuesday Afternoon Seminar Schedule

Monthly Journal Club

Third Wednesday of the month, 4:00 pm, NSB 3211

All MBTG Trainees are responsible for selecting and presenting a journal article to fellow students at the monthly Journal Club. All trainees should sign up for Chem 291 (Molecular Biophysics Seminar) in order to obtain credit for this course.

For Journal Club, students should choose a paper topic outside of their field of research. In addition to discussing the paper, students will be required to recruit an MBTG faculty member to serve as a facilitator during the discussion. The faculty member should have expertise in the field of the paper and cannot be the students’ research advisor.

Link to Journal Club Schedule

Biochemistry and Biophysics Seminar Series

Recurring on Thursdays at 11am in 1205 Natural Science Building (NSB Auditorium)

MBTG Student-invited Seminar Series

MBTG Trainees may nominate a possible guest speaker to give a seminar at UC San Diego. Up to two speakers will be chosen by MBTG students and faculty at the Fall Luncheon. Seminars will be scheduled pending speaker availability.

MBTG Annual Retreat

Held in late spring, this retreat is held at UC San Diego for all MBTG Faculty, Alumni, and Trainees. Trainees are required to present their research at a poster session. MBTG alumni have the opportunity to give lightning talks on their research to update the group on their progress since leaving the program. The retreat also features talks by young and emerging MBTG faculty at UC San Diego.

 Please contact Elizabeth Komives or Kylea Wong if you have any questions.